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NOW WITH 5MG MELATONIN!  Great sleep can have a wonderful impact on your whole day, and now you can rest easy with Green Roads’ Sleepy Zs.  Experience the combined power of melatonin and CBD with these delicious blackberry-flavored Sleepy Zs gummies from Green Roads. Melatonin is part of your natural sleep cycle and CBD helps support your body’s natural stress response. Together they can help you snooze more soundly!

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NEW FORMULA! Enjoy the true feeling of renewal only a good night’s rest can bring with Green Roads’ new Sleepy Zs gummies. Each gummy offers 5mg of melatonin, which is a part of your natural sleep cycle along with 25mg of CBD. CBD supports you through ordinary stress, which is crucial when you are trying to put your mind and body at ease so you can drift off to sleep. All Green Roads products are formulated by a team of pharmacists guided by our co-founder, a licensed compounding pharmacist herself. You can review the results of independent laboratory testing using the QR codes printed on our packages.

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